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Do you want to give or give yourself our products?
On request we can also prepare customized packages for every occasion!
For any information do not hesitate to contact us!

Speciale Natale
If you like, you can come and visit us in our suggestive company direct sales point,
in Loppio n ° 2 in Patone di Isera.
We are open from Monday to Saturday from 9 to 12 and from 15 to 18.
All year round you will find our processed products, therefore jams and compotes, vegetable creams, sauerkraut, tomato sauce, sweet and sour and juices, while seasonally we offer strawberries and small fruits, apples, asparagus and other vegetables.
Upon reservation it is also possible to combine the purchase with the tasting of our products.
An opportunity to get to know the story of what you buy directly from the producer and at the same time a nice way to learn or exchange new recipes.

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